About Us

Bazar Solidario, I.A.P. is a non-profit private assistance institution with 20 years of work in and with the community, in the Municipality of Cajeme, in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora.

Our reason for being is the need of the most unprotected and with the most deprived people.

The social problems are many and in different areas and sectors, so the union between society and government is fundamental to guide all this population to generate a possible solution for their needs, therefore Bazar as a civil organization contributes to the generation of These solutions, not only by donating items of clothing, and household, but by making people discover their potential so that they themselves, with a little help, are generators of their development and their own solutions.

Our Mission

Generate solidarity exchange of resources, services and knowledge to promote social development.

Our Vision

“A solidary community, committed to its own development.”

Our Values

Our Goals

  1. Contribute to achieve food security through actions that allow families in vulnerable situations, access to an active and healthy life.
  2. Strengthen communities so that they assume their social responsibility through training, motivation and follow-up.
  3. Provide social assistance services through supports and incentives in kind that contribute to cover basic needs.
  4. Create economic opportunities through technical training, the promotion of self-employment and non-formal education to contribute to the family economy.
  5. Strengthen the council and operational team through training, motivation and accompaniment to achieve the mission.

Social Object

Provide attention to children, young people, women, adults, seniors and indigenous people, with disabilities, of limited resources and non-profit through:

Attention to basic subsistence requirements in terms of food, clothing or housing.
Medical assistance or rehabilitation or care in specialized facilities, is considered as medical assistance, among others, psychotherapy, family therapy, treatment or rehabilitation of disabled people and the provision of medicines, prosthetics, orthotics, health supplies and medical days.
Social orientation, education or training for work, understanding by social orientation counseling in matters such as family, education, food, work and health.
The promotion of the organized participation of the population in actions that improve their own conditions of subsistence for the benefit of the community.